I don't use grain i use pelleted alfalfa as a treat, to teach them to follow me. This makes pasture rotation much easier.
With the Kiko breed, it's fairly simple, they are a hardy goat and don't really ask for much even shelter, they prefer to be outside unless it's wet or the wind is blowing, and for feed they aren't too picky, I think I'm more picky about what they eat then they are😁 but fencing is a different story, it has to be good🙄
We use Fedex, insulated liners, and dry ice to keep it frozen.
Yes, it's the "Welcome Box" that is offered in the first email you get after signing up. It is a 5 pound box with a package of each cut that we offer.
I'm working on my recipe book, so far i've got 9 recipes. I haven't found a really great organ meat recipe yet...
My Welcome Package is the smallest we offer, it's 5 pounds and contains som of everything.
I love animals and it gave us a way to start using our land in a more regenerative way, (less chemicals)
I cubed the meat and made kabobs with it. We grilled them on the BBQer, I've also smoked a roast on the Pit Boss, it was amazing!!
We started our herd 2 years ago , and We just started selling the meat "Farm-To-Table" this spring.
I grew up with animals then married a farmer, who has farmed his whole life.
Yes, just give me a heads up and I'll have your meat packed and ready anytime you want it!
YES! the meat is similar in texture to Beef, so basically just make them the same way you make beef burgers
Roasted, Smoked, Fried, Slow Cooked or, Grilled, depending on your preference and the cuts you have available.
Yes, I believe the the best way to care for the land is to give it companionship, in the form of animals and water, I think if it as giving the land the opportunity to serve its divine purpose. I actually feel bad for patches of dirt I see that lay open and wasted. Like someone wise once said" You have to realize that weeds are just the earth trying to cover its self, if you pull out all the weeds with out giving to something in return to be grown in its place, the weeds will come back".
Flavoring, spicy flavors go well with goat, and add in some olive oil when marinating, this helps with tenderness, if your going to fry it.
I have New Zealand Kikos, they are originally from New Zealand, and are a hardy and naturally parasite resistant animal, making them a better choice for grass-fed meat, because they don't require a lot of human intervention to keep them alive and healthy. They're basically the Non-GMO version the Goat.
I've never tried Goat Yoga, but i have no doubt that if I tried doing yoga out with my goats, the baby goats would be very interested in what was going on and would definently join in the fun!
Not yet but I'd like to add that to our farm someday.
I use high quality orchard grass and alfalfa hay that we grow our selves.
we can ship anywhere in the lower 48 States.
Yes, it's more of a homeschool co-op, we joined with several other like minded families and work together.
Yes, very similar, most of the cuts are the same, and the flavor profile(seasonings used) is close as well. But the meat is quite different in molecular makeup.