Why Choose Grass-fed?🤔

Well there are many reasons, but the main, and biggest reason is the Health Benefits. Grass-fed animals have higher protein, and lower trans-fat levels. They are much higher in minerals, vitamins, and omegas. The price is often much higher because the farmer has to have more pasture land to keep them rotated between. Otherwise they animals would over graze the land and kill off all the vegetation.


   Also the animals are much healthier when they have fresh feed. Most animals are pretty smart and can self medicate if given the opportunity, I have a pasture that I can grow all the herbs that a goat might need to stay healthy, so that I can put them in there for a couple of weeks and they eat the herbs they need and leave the ones they don’t.


  Grass-fed animals take a bit longer to finish, because they have to graze for their feed, where grain-fed they can just stand in one spot, and eat all they want. Kind of like a person that works out has a lot of muscle and weighs 300lbs vs. the couch potato that weighs 300lbs but it’s all unhealthy fat. That’s probably a bad analogy but the concepts are right.

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