this is driving me NuTsSsSs!!!!!!!

KR Farms

I don’t know about you, but when I’m overwhelmed and can’t seem to get control of the simple things piling up around me…I tend to lose it a bit.
Like this week. Laundry was piled up to my neck. Can’t stand that. Where does all this laundry stinking come from?!
This time was not my fault though, I swear. Lol.
You see, our dryer has been a bit on the fritz. It’s been shaking and banging and leaving clothes a little damp. (You had ONE job to do Mr. Dryer!)
But that’s not the worst part. It was this ear-piercing, mind-numbing SQUEAKING! Even when I was trying to fall asleep all I could hear was the high pitched noise echoing in my head.
I had enough. I jumped on YouTube and figured out how the heck to take this thing apart and get it working again.
Sometimes before something gets better, it gets worse. Kids running around half naked, laundry towers threatening to tumble over, and then there’s me. Covered in grease with tools spilled out of the tool box. 
It was a sight to see.
I was so overwhelmed, I laughed until I cried.
But…I’m proud to say. I finally figured it out. The dryer is working again like the day I bought it(or close to it)lol. The kids have their booties covered and I can sleep in peace. 
All that got me thinking.
That squeaking and squawking from the dryer?
I couldn’t live with it. It wasn’t SUSTAINABLE. There had to be a solution.
Just like my questionable dryer, the food you are buying from the grocery store is ALSO not sustainable.
The little-known secret practices that go into mass-producing meat would absolutely shock you. 
If you knew what was lurking in your meat, you would be horrified to feed it to your family. 
That’s why we started raising goat meat on our pasture. Employing sustainable practices that we are confident makes not only the healthiest meat for our growing family, but also incredibly delicious, almost decadent dishes.
Stop eating squeaky clothes dryer meat from the grocery store. LOL.
Sample the finest goat meat your family will thank you for!
Go ahead and order our Sustainable Sampler today. 
Here’s what I’m about to ship to your door…
10 Box!!
  • Juicy Loin Chops 
  • Leg or Shoulder Roasts Succulent and Tender
  • Stew Meat, The Ultimate Ingredient
  • Burger Delicious, and  Flavorful
  • Ribs, To Satisfy Your Cravings
FREE Shipping ($83 value)
Claim your family’s sampler by clicking here now -> LINK
Your farmer, and Friend
If you’ve never tried the melt-in-your mouth deliciousness of goat, this is your chance to share the experience with your family in a manageable, easy-to-cook and easy-to-store way. See what I mean here -> LINK
Not sure if you and your kiddos are gonna love it? No problem! If for any reason at all you don’t love your sampler, simply let me know and I’ll refund your entire order…no questions asked! That’s my guarantee from our farm to your family! :)
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