That's All Folks!!

Farm Story

  This morning as I was doing my Rounds checking on the goats and feeding the 4 bottle babies, I went see how our Last pregnant mama goat was doing.

  And SURPRISE!! Our last Mama Goat Finally had her babies!! 4 tiny baby goats, they are so so cute!!

  I was so excited, I took a bunch of pictures and had to check right away to see if they were boys or girls!😜 Could not be more perfect, 2 boy and 2 girls, all healthy and already getting frisky!

  We named the Girls Twinkle, and Sparkle🥰 (can you guess who helped me name them? lol!)

I can't believe how fast the older ones have grown already! They're more then double the size of the new babies!!

  Anyway now I can relax little and focus on growing theses little guys into the magnificent animals they are, they'll get to help me clean up pivots by eating up the plants that aren't supposed to be there.

  And they'll learn how to follow me from pasture to pasture, living their best life possible...

  Right now they just drink milk, but soon their mamas will show them the where to find the best forage and I'll give them opportunities to find the most nutritious grazing.
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