"KR Farms: Naturally healthy goats ~Equals~ Clean meat for your family."

At KR Farms, we prioritize the health and well-being of our goats to provide your family with clean and nutritious meat. We take a natural approach by not using any vaccines and ensuring our goats are not raised on grains or commercial feeds. Instead, they solely consume food grown on our farm.

During the summer, our goats enjoy fresh grass and a variety of highly nutritious herbs that naturally grow in our area. They even have a knack for eating leaves and tree branches, which helps us with tree trimming. Unlike most goat farms that regularly administer vaccines for various diseases, we opt for a different approach. We focus on regular testing to identify any illnesses and treat sick goats using herbal remedies if necessary. Our herb garden is equipped with all the necessary herbs to aid in their healing. When a goat falls ill, we place it in the herb garden, where it can instinctively choose the herbs that will help it recover.

After kidding, we provide our goats with free access to a herbal dewormer powder mixed with molasses. This allows them to consume it as needed, without any unnecessary toxins or vaccinations. Our goats maintain their natural health and produce nutrient-dense meat. While most grass-fed goat meat tends to be very lean, our goats have a higher fat content because they have never been deprived of nourishing grass throughout their lives. We also ensure they always have access to clean, fresh water—water that meets the same standards we would personally choose for ourselves.

To keep their hay clean and free from dirt and goat droppings, we have constructed a specially designed hay feeder. Additionally, we exercise caution when introducing new goats to our herd. Each goat must be disease-free and undergo a two-week quarantine period before joining the rest of the herd. This ensures the overall health and safety of our goats and the quality of the meat they provide for your family.

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