Hunger Pains!!

Last Sunday, I had a busy day on the farm with the kids. We started with Sunday school in the morning and then headed straight to the barn for riding lessons.

  With only one round pen and three lesson horses, it was a bit chaotic trying to get all nine kids organized and ready to ride.

   We started around 11:30am and time flew by. Before I knew it, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon!! Due to the rush of getting the kids ready for Sunday school, I hadn't eaten breakfast that morning...

  As the afternoon went on, I started feeling weak and dizzy, wondering what was wrong with me. Then it hit me—I hadn't eaten since dinner the night before!

  Thankfully, we were almost done with the riding lessons, so I quickly finished up.

  Some of the older kids who love helping out worth the horses took care of the horses and put them away for me, which was a huge help.

   Once I got home, I was famished and in desperate need of some Food. (Food tastes even better when you're really hungry, don't you think?)

   So, I whipped up a satisfying meal of Goat Chops. I seasoned them with some delicious Bearded Butchers seasoning, and olive oil, then I threw them in the Air Fryer for 10 minutes.

  I also heated some left over rice from the fridge with butter and soy sauce. ( I was pleasantly surprised it only took me 20 minutes start to finish to make this meal)

It's great to have older kids who are willing to lend a hand on the farm, and finding a satisfying meal after a long day of riding lessons made all the difference.

  Goat meat is an amazing meat to have on hand when you're in a tight spot for meal ideas, and also for making well planned meals.

  The 10 pound bundle has options for all occasions!!
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