BaBy Goat MaYhEm🥴

As you know, I've been bottle feeding 4 of our baby goats,

   But lately they have been getting really Serious about their feeding times.

   I show up in my truck and they are waiting by the gate to get fed.

   This morning I pulled up to the gate and let all 60 goats out to go graze, the door to my truck got left open and before I could even get turned around...!

   All 4 baby goats were IN MY TRUCK!! jumping on the seats and standing on the middle console!! 

   I grabbed the first one and set him down as I reached for the next one, the first one jumped back in!! 

   I quickly realized my problem, I called my son and daughter to COME HELP!! They each grabbed a bottle and I held 2 bottles.

   The baby goats jumped out and eagerly devoured their bottles😅 

   Raising Goats keeps life VERY interesting🥰

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